9 publications
Improving the Ability of Image Sensors to Detect Faint Stars and Moving Objects Using Image Deconvolution Techniques
Sensors, Volume 10, page 1743--1752 - 2010
IF: 1.87. area: INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION. Quartile: Q1.
IF: 1.87. area: INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION. Quartile: Q1.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 480, page 297--304 - 2008
IF: 4.25. area: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. Quartile: 1.
IF: 4.25. area: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. Quartile: 1.
A low computational-cost method to fuse IKONOS images using the spectral response function of its sensors
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 44, Number 6, page 1683--1691 - 2006
IF: 1.752. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
IF: 1.752. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
A wavelet-based method for the determination of the relative resolution between remotely sensed images
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 44, Number 9, page 2539--2548 - 2006
IF: 1.752. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
IF: 1.752. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 445, Number 3, page 1081--1088 - 2006
IF: 3.971. area: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. Quartile: 1.
IF: 3.971. area: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. Quartile: 1.
Comparison between Mallat's and the 'a trous' discrete wavelet transform based algorithms for the fusion of multispectral and panchromatic images
International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 26, Number 3, page 595--614 - 2005
IF: 0.925. area: IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC. Quartile: 2.
IF: 0.925. area: IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC. Quartile: 2.
Introduction of sensor spectral response into image fusion methods. application to wavelet-based methods
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 43, Number 10, page 2376--2385 - 2005
IF: 1.627. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
IF: 1.627. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
Image fusion with additive multiresolution wavelet decomposition. Applications to SPOT plus Landsat images
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Volume 16, Number 3, page 467--474 - 1999
IF: 1.864. area: Optics. Quartile: 1.
IF: 1.864. area: Optics. Quartile: 1.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 37, Number 3, page 1204-1211 - 1999
IF: 1.732. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
IF: 1.732. area: Engineering, Electrical & Elec. Quartile: 1.
9 publications