Mixed Hodge Structures and Equivariant Sheaves on the Projective Plane
Mathematische Nachrichten, Volume 284, Number 4, page 526--542 - 2011
IF: 0.682. area: MATHEMATICS. Quartile: Q2.
IF: 0.682. area: MATHEMATICS. Quartile: Q2.
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@Article\{Pen2011, author = "Olivier Penacchio", title = "Mixed Hodge Structures and Equivariant Sheaves on the Projective Plane", journal = "Mathematische Nachrichten", number = "4", volume = "284", pages = "526--542", year = "2011", ifactor = "0.682", quartile = "Q2", area = "MATHEMATICS", url = "http://999840.hzjufeng.icu/Public/Publications/2011/Pen2011" }